Current research interests

Surfacing Programmer Misconceptions

Software Systems

M Hamilton, N Gonsalves, C Lee, A Raman, B Walsh, S Prasad, D Banda, L Zhang, L Zhang, W Freeman

2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 298-309

~~ Not published, but holds interest ~~ 


Mathlib is a community-driven effort to build a unified library of mathematics formalized in the Lean proof assistant. I have contributed a module defining Kleene Algebras and their behaviors to this project.

(and am looking at other ways to contribute!)


Forge is a tool and language built for teaching introductory formal methods and modeling.  I am currently helping add features to Forge that help better surface programmer misconceptions.

Containerized AI

As a developer at Microsoft, I worked on Azure Cognitive Services in Containers. While I am no longer at Microsoft, I am still interested in both the technical and ethical implications of platform-agnostic, low footprint AI development and deployment.